Stacy, RVT


Stacy, RVT
Stacy, RVT Registered Veterinary Technician

I started my career in the veterinary field as a hospital assistant at Manitou Animal Hospital in 2007. After working with these amazing RVT’s, I knew this was what I was meant to do. So I ventured off to do a Veterinary Technician program in 2009, and I graduated from the University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus in 2011. I joined the clinic originally in 2007; after school, I stayed in the Chatham region for a while, then returned to Manitou part-time in 2015.

The area of veterinary medicine that interests me the most is feline medicine – cats are so special and unique! The thing I love most about my job is all the people and animals I get to meet! Every day is different and comes with its own set of joys and challenges! My favourite thing about Manitou Animal Hospital is the team – we’ve been together a long time and work well together. Everyone’s opinion matters here, and we work best when we can rely on each other.

My family has always included some furry family members. The first pet I remember us having was a small mixed-breed dog named Powder. A fun fact about myself is that I love concerts! Even if I’ve never heard of the artist before, I will go to a concert. Live music is amazing!