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Tapeworms in Cats
Tapeworms in Cats

Tapeworms in Cats

There are two main ways that cats get tapeworms, and it all depends on what they eat, as tapeworms are acquired by eating an intermediate host that is a carrier of the tapeworm. 

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What It Takes to Become Veterinarian
What It Takes to Become Veterinarian

What It Takes to Become Veterinarian

I’ve had many people ask me lately what training is required to become a veterinarian, so I thought I would take this opportunity to briefly go over what it takes.

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June is National Blood Donor Month
June is National Blood Donor Month

June is National Blood Donor Month

As the month of June is National Blood Donor Month, it might be interesting to know that there is a blood donor spot for your dog very close at the University of Guelph.

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As the weather gets warmer and bugs are flying around, we need to be extra careful to maggots setting up in our pets. 

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What Is a Locum?
Where Is My Regular Doctor? What Is a Locum?

What Is a Locum?

Sometimes in a vet clinic, you need some extra help, and you need to seek it from outside your regular group of staff. This helper is known as a locum.

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Let’s Talk about Poop
Let’s Talk about Poop

Let’s Talk about Poop

Don’t you find it odd how often the clinic asks you about your pet’s stool? We always want to know if your pet has it, how much, what it looks like, etc. 

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Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

Did you ever wonder about the time it takes for our pets? Below there are a list of some of the most common pet gestation periods.

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Avoid Cabin Fever in Your Dog!
Avoid Cabin Fever in Your Dog!

Avoid Cabin Fever in Your Dog!

Now that the cold weather has settled in, it makes it harder for all of us – pets included – to get lots of exercise!

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Kennel Cough
Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

“Kennel Cough” the name given to an upper respiratory tract infection. Many different things can cause it, but the most common is a bacterium called Bordetella.

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Why Do I Need an Exam to Pick up Meds?
Why Do I Need an Exam to Pick up Meds?

Why Do I Need an Exam to Pick up Meds?

Time moves a lot faster then most of us realize, this is often quite evident when we have our clients phone in and want to pick up medication for their pets. 

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National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day

National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day

It all began when Terry Simons, a dog trainer and agility competitor, in 2011 found out that his beloved dog Reveille was diagnosed with Lymphoma.

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“Swimmer’s Tail”
“Swimmer’s Tail”

“Swimmer’s Tail”

Does your dog love the water? Every once and a while, a dog can develop “swimmers tail,” officially called Acute Caudal Myopathy.

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