
Microchipping is crucial for pet safety, ensuring a higher chance of reunion if they ever get lost.

Microchipping your dog or cat is a great idea. If your pet ever gets lost, a microchip can be the difference between finding its way back home to you or being unclaimed at a shelter.

Why is it a good idea to microchip my dog?

Quite often cats and dogs do not have a collar on when they are found, a microchip is an identification that is with them forever.

How does a microchip work and is it safe for my dog?

A microchip is roughly the size of a grain of rice. It is injected under the skin between the shoulder blades. The microchip has a number on it that is unique to your pet. Once scanned by a microchip reader, this number can then be entered into a national database that has your information on it – from here owners are contacted and reunited with their pet.

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

The cost for microchipping varies depending on if it is clinic supplied vs owner/breeder supplied. We provide a discounted price if done at the time of an anesthetic procedure.

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