Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Senior pets are different from our Geriatric pets. This is their middle age when changes are starting to happen – and preventive care can have the most significant impact.

When is a dog considered a senior pet?

A dog is considered a senior when he/she turns seven years old.

What are the most common health issues experienced by senior dogs?

The most common things we see with the senior pets, are subtle changes in mobility, weight gain, hair and skin seem a little drier, and bad breath. There are also things that are happening within your pet – you can’t “see.” Kidneys and liver are two organs that have a significant impact on the general health and well-being of our pet. Pets will not show signs of illness when they first start to have comprised organs so running yearly blood work can tell you what is going on – and there are many supplements to help.

How should I care for my senior dog?

Just like for people, preventative care can extend your pets’ lifespan, and help their quality of life be the best it can be. Supplements, diet change and medication are all things available to make your pet feel great – inside and out.

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