Overweight Cat Help

Keeping your cat at their ideal weight range and size with a safe diet regimen.

Overweight and obese cats are at an increased risk of developing diabetes, joint pain, muscle loss, behavioural problems, inappropriate elimination, urinary crystals and UTIs. Often these cats are at least mildly depressed, they tend to have poorer haircoats due to limited grooming abilities.

How do I know if my cat is overweight?

Lightly run your hands over your cat’s back: If you can feel her ribs and spine under a thin layer of skin and fat (if it feels like she is wearing a t-shirt), she is likely not carrying a lot of extra weight. If you have to dig or push to feel spine/ribs (if it feels like she is wearing a sweater), she is at least overweight. To determine how obese your cat is, we would take body measurements and weight in the clinic.

How can I help my cat to lose weight?

Ensure she is not overfed – this is the #1 cause of weight gain. Adjusting what, how much, and how often you feed makes a huge difference in weight management. Exercise and environmental enrichment tend to be vastly undervalued in cats. Ask us for tips to keep your feline moving!

What is offered during a nutritional consultation?

We weigh and can take body measurements to determine an ideal weight for your cat. We assess the current diet and discuss the proper amount to be fed. Discuss alternative diets and tips for weight loss, including how the cat is fed, e.g. instead of putting food in the bowl, try a toy of some sort.

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